Python for Data Analysis
Learn to code in Python and carry out powerful data analyses.Cutting a long story short
About the course
Coding in the field of data analytics is now more important than ever. There are many techniques and models already pre-programmed in Python. In this course we’ll teach how import, process and analyze data in Python.
The course
What you will learn in this course
The Python GUI
Understand the different types of GUIs (graphical user interfaces) Python works with and get familiar with Jupyter Notebooks.
Executing data operations
Import data from various sources and carry out the most important data operations.
Visualize data
Learn how to create great visuals with Python’s packages for visualizing data.
Conditional statements, loops and functions
Learn the syntax for applying conditional statements (if/else) and running iterations (loops). Learn how to write your own functions.
Machine Learning
Get started with the famous scikit-learn package in Python for applying Machine Learning techniques in Python.
Data analysts who want to learn how to carry out analyses in Python.
Aspiring data engineers who want to learn how to process data with Python code.
Aspiring data scientists who want to get started with modeling in Python.
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Yes, all courses are offered both in offline classrooms or online (via MS teams).
Yes, after finishing a course you’ll get an official digital certificate issued by BAYZ. You can add this certificate to your CV, add it to your LinkedIn profile and share it via other social media.